Frequently Asked Questions
- A wholemeal sandwich
- Dairy items like yogurt or cheese
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
Not suitable for preschool are "sometimes" foods, such as packaged snacks and items high in salt, fat, or sugar. Our newsletter will offer various ideas. LBCP adheres to the Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents in Australia and the National Quality Standards
The preschool follows a predictable routine to ensure that children feel secure, happy, and settled. Extended periods of uninterrupted play provide numerous opportunities for children to engage with the environment, interact with friends, master skills, explore interests, and express creativity.
Additionally, intentional teaching and learning occur in small group settings. For an example, please refer to our page on a typical preschool day.
LBCP offers an internationally recognized and comprehensive Transition to School Program that encompasses experiences for both children and families. Throughout their entire preschool journey, children will receive support in developing positive dispositions and skills crucial for both school and life.
Working collaboratively with families, educators will build upon children's prior knowledge and experiences to enhance their confidence in transitioning to the school setting. For more information, you can read about our Transition to School Program.
- LBCP achieved a rating of Exceeding in all 7 Quality areas of the National Quality Standard.
- We have a proud history of community ownership reaching back to 1952 with community links that are recognized and valued.
- You would be joining a caring community of learners. Together we make a difference.
- Your child will experience a joyful childhood now, while preparing for a positive future.
- LBCP has a strong vision for a positive now for our community and an exciting future.
Read more about LBCP and what sets us apart.